Hexagrams Masterclass Vol 1_2020
This November, Dato will be conducting The Hexagrams Masterclass (Volume 1) over 2 days via livestream. The class will deep dive into a selection of Hexagrams and discuss the interpretations and nuances to provide the foundation and depth of understanding this subject. With this valuable insight to the subject, you gain a broader view of the other systems that are built upon it.
Here are the details:
The Hexagrams Masterclass (Vol.1)
Date: 21 and 22 November 2020 (Sat & Sun)
Venue: 2-Days Livestream Class
Time: (subject to change)As a bonus to the early birds who sign up, with your purchase of The Hexagrams Masterclass, you get access to the Yijing Masterclass 4-day livestream event absolutely FREE. Only a limited number of seats have been set aside for this bonus, so don’t miss out!
Head here to register now: www.joeyyap.com/hexagrams
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- ✅ This is only a digital product & no physical item will be shipped out.
- ✅ Links to download from our Google Drive will be sent to your Gmail or whatsapp Chat0104358368.
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