Bazi Jumpstart
We design this for starter who have no knowledge with Bazi to get you started on understanding your Bazi, capitalise on your strength and minimise your weakness. In such times, depending on how you make your next move, it can be crucial and using information from the stars is easier than you trying to do trial an error. A wrong step can waste precious time and resources. It is paramount to know which path should you take based on your destiny arrangement, and ensure it is a path of lesser resistance.
Episode 1 - Understanding the core structure of a Bazi chart
Episode 2 - Extract vital information of your characteristic
Episode 3 - What role to excel in your career based on your destiny?
Episode 4 - Starting a business, work in an MNC or self-employed?
Episode 5 - What is coming for you in 2020?
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- ✅ This is only a digital product & no physical item will be shipped out.
- ✅ Links to download from our Google Drive will be sent to your Gmail or whatsapp Chat0104358368.
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