2024 Bazi Core Identity Atlas
In the BaZi Core Identity Atlas course, you will learn the following:Introduction to BaZi Core Identity Atlas:Understand the basics of BaZi (Eight Characters) astrology and the course structure.Defining Core Values:Learn to determine your personal core values through BaZi analysis (Parts 1 and 2).Exploring Core Characteristics:Explore and understand your core personality traits using BaZi (Parts 1 and 2).Uncovering Interests and Passions:Discover your interests and passions through BaZi analysis.Developing Key Skills:Identify and develop your key skills using insights from BaZi (Parts 1 and 2).Cultivating Natural Strengths:Understand and nurture your natural talents and strengths.Integrating the BaZi Core Identity Atlas:Learn how to apply the knowledge gained from the course to enhance self-awareness and personal development.
#bazi #Joeyyap
🌟 Notes:
- ✅ This is only a digital product & no physical item will be shipped out.
- ✅ Links to download from our Google Drive will be sent to your Gmail or whatsapp Chat0104358368.
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- - 仅限数字产品;不提供实体产品
- - 基于数字商品的属性,一经售出概不退换.
- - 所购买的数字产品仅限个人使用,禁止分发或转售.
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